- Mental Health Network
- Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
From the Treatment Collaborative for Traumatized Youth:
“Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT; Cohen, Deblinger & Mannarino, 2004) is an evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents ages 3–18. TF-CBT integrates cognitive behavioral techniques with trauma-specific interventions.
he model has been researched in numerous randomized clinical trials and is considered the “best practice” model for reducing traumatized children’s emotional and behavioral problems. Children and families who receive TF-CBT meet weekly with a therapist, both individually and jointly. The treatment typically lasts 12–20 sessions.”
Who is eligible for the scholarship?
Mental health providers interested in TF-CBT certification can apply for the scholarship. Providers must meet one of the following conditions:
- A master’s degree with appropriate mental health licensure;
- A master’s degree in a related mental health field and working towards licensure and supervised by a licensed mental health professional; or
- A student intern in an accredited graduate-level mental health program supervised by a licensed and certified mental health professional.
Scholarship Program Structure
What is the structure of the scholarship program?
The program uses a cohort learning model for all providers. A cohort is a collaborative learning approach in which providers advance throughout the program. Instructors lead the providers through a series of program milestones. Learn more about the TF-CBT Learning Collaborative.
How long does the program last?
All mental health providers agree to commit to a two-year term in the program. This period covers all TF-CBT instruction, consultation, supervision, and the required therapy services for children, adolescents, and families.
How long do participants commit to providing therapy services to children, adolescents, and families referred by CACs?
All providers agree to provide mental health services to three children, adolescents, and/or families over two years upon the completion of instruction.
How do I apply for the scholarship program?
All mental health providers who are interested in scholarships are required to submit the following documentation:
- Application
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume
- Minnesota State Provider License or Minnesota State Limited License
- Professional Liability Insurance
*We are no longer accepting applications at this time*
What questions are included in the scholarship application?
If helpful, applicants may review the application questions before completing the online form. Please note that based on your response to question 11 (are you a current university student?), you will be directed to an educational background page.
How long will it take to process my scholarship application?
The Alliance Mental Health Network will review applications on a rolling basis. All applicants will be notified of their award status no later than two weeks from the application due date.
Which costs does the scholarship cover?
The Alliance Mental Health Network covers the cost of TF-CBT training and certification, consultation calls, ongoing culturally responsive instruction, and associated fees. We pay TF-CBT instructors directly, and will reimburse you for web-based training fees and certification exam registration. People who receive scholarships must submit proof of payment and will be reimbursed for these fees.
What is the process for signing up for instruction?
All mental health providers are responsible for signing up for required training. This includes TF-CBT instruction, culturally responsive instruction, and associated training activities. Register for the TF-CBT certification here.
More Questions?
Get in touch with the Alliance team if you have any further questions.