The goal of child advocacy is ultimately to accompany a victim/survivor on a path toward safety and healing. Throughout the relationship, advocates make a positive impact in a variety of ways. The following section outlines the desired outcomes of advocacy—the changes that we hope to make as advocates. Though we know that advocates impact MDTs and the community, their primary stakeholders are victims/survivors and their non-offending caregivers. The bolded outcomes for this group represent the most important changes advocates are trying to make.
Outcomes for Victims/Survivors and Non-Offending Caregivers
- Feeling heard and affirmed
- Feeling emotionally supported
- Having increased access to resources
- Reduced stress/tension
- Increased ability to self-advocate
- Reduced fear
- Reduced sense of isolation (feeling alone)
- Increased resilience
- Increased peace of mind
- Increased safety
- Increased ability to resume regular activities
- Improved experience with child protection (for those that are involved with child protection)
- Improved relationship with advocate over time
- A sense of justice (defined by the client)
- Increased sense of empowerment
- Increase in positive coping skills
Outcomes for MDT Members
- Increased understanding of the child and family experience
- Increased perspective and understanding for taking victim-centered action
- Reduction in bias
- Victim/survivor and NOC feel listened to by MDT
Outcomes for Community
- Increased understanding of what to do when child abuse is suspected/reported
- Increased awareness of CACs
- Improved response to child abuse reports
- Increased education about child abuse