Training Overview
Beginning in the 1980’s, leaders in the field of child abuse and neglect investigation identified the need for uniform and forensically sound strategies to investigate these cases. Thus, forensic interviewing protocols began to be developed based on emerging research and practice. The first protocol to be established was done so by the National Child Advocacy Center followed by CornerHouse and the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC). Today, there are many protocols widely used throughout the world. In this training, we will discuss differences and similarities in many commonly used protocols. This training will also briefly provide strategies for working with a Multi-Disciplinary Team trained in varying protocols.
- Understand the history of child abuse investigations and how that history shaped the protocols we use today
- Understand and be capable of recognizing the major Forensic Interviewing protocols used by professionals
- Learn similarities and differences between the protocols
- Identify tools for the Multi-Disciplinary team to work together even when trained in varying protocols