CACs Provide Critical Support to Families During Pandemic

Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) provide comprehensive services and support to children and families experiencing abuse. In Minnesota, CACs have typically...

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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

This week, we join with the rest of the world in mourning the murder of George Floyd as he is...

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Pioneer Press Highlights Concerns About Drop in Child Abuse Reports during COVID-19

Pioneer Press Highlights Concerns About Drop in Child Abuse Reports during COVID-19

In a recent article from the Pioneer Press “Counties receiving fewer reports of child abuse amid coronavirus, but staff say...

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Online Training Resources for CACs and Multidisciplinary Teams

Online Training Resources for CACs and Multidisciplinary Teams

As workloads shift during the COVID-19 response, many children’s advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams are adapting their approach to their...

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Protecting Children from Abuse During COVID-19

Protecting Children from Abuse During COVID-19

In times of crisis and economic instability, child abuse and neglect rates increase. A recent opinion piece in the New...

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Guidance for CACs: Coronavirus

Guidance for CACs: Coronavirus

Right now, we are in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic that most of us have not seen in our...

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Minnesota Centers Meet Standards of Service, Support

Minnesota Centers Meet Standards of Service, Support

There are 12 children’s advocacy centers and 3 satellite offices located in Minnesota – find the center nearest to you. Over 2,600 children, adolescents and their families receive services each year at these centers.

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