CAC Model: Working with Children & Non-Offending Family Members

CAC Model: Working with Children & Non-Offending Family Members

Training Overview

When authorities suspect a child may be experiencing abuse, the child is brought to a Child Advocacy Center (CAC), a safe and child-focused environment. At the CAC, the child recounts their experience once to a trained forensic interviewer who employs sensitive questioning techniques to avoid retraumatizing the child. Subsequently, a team comprising medical professionals, law enforcement, mental health experts, legal representatives, child protective services personnel, victim advocates, and other relevant professionals collaborates to determine the best course of action for assisting the child, guided by the information gathered during the interview. CACs provide a range of services including therapy, medical examinations, courtroom preparation, victim advocacy, case management, and more. This collective approach, known as the multidisciplinary team (MDT) response, constitutes a fundamental aspect of CAC operations.

Registration is Free!

Registered attendees will receive a Zoom link one week and one day before this training event starts.

The Alliance believes trauma-informed, anti-racist, and culturally responsive services are essential to helping children heal. We continue to offer virtually the highest quality training with nationally renowned speakers.

Continuing Education Credits

Continuing education credits will be available for all eligible participants providing services in Minnesota, US.

Cancelation Policy

The Alliance recognizes that sometimes professionals are called away at the last minute to accommodate the needs of our kids.

Contact Info

Please contact MaiXi Ye at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.