Integrating Racial Socialization in TF-CBT Therapy for Black Youth & Family

Integrating Racial Socialization in TF-CBT Therapy for Black Youth & Family

Training Overview

The negative consequences of trauma (e.g., physical abuse) take a disproportionate toll on Black youth due to the compounding stress of unique race related stressors (e.g., witnessing police brutality in the media, microaggressions). This workshop provides an overview of interpersonal and racial trauma; presents research on systemic, organizational, client, and provider barriers and facilitators to mental health service utilization; and discusses strategies clinicians can PRACTICE (Psychoeducation, Relaxation, Affect identification and modulation, Cognitive restructuring, Trauma narrative, In-vivo exposure, Conjoint parent-child sessions, Enhancing safety) to integrate racial socialization into treatment to help Black clients heal from interpersonal and racial stress and trauma.

About the Trainer

Dr. Isha Metzger is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Georgia and Visiting Research Faculty at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS’ at Yale University. Dr. Metzger earned her PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina, she completed her pre-doctoral internship at the Medical University of South Carolina, and she received postdoctoral training both at the National Crime Victims Center and at Yale University. As Director of The EMPOWER Lab at UGA, Dr. Metzger focuses on reducing mental health disparities through “Engaging Minorities in Prevention, Outreach, Wellness, Education, & Research.” Dr. Metzger’s systematic research program is aimed at elucidating the role of culturally specific risk (e.g., racial discrimination) and protective (e.g., racial socialization) factors to better inform cognitive-behavioral outcomes for Black youth receiving evidence-based services for interpersonal and racial stress and trauma in “real world” settings. Dr. Metzger is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who offers award-winning instruction, supervision, training, and consultation to students, professionals, and organizations across the nation on the delivery of evidence-based treatments for underserved individuals seeking mental health treatment for a range of problems. Additionally, Dr. Metzger is an advocate for Black youth and families in the local community, and she is both personally and professionally committed to illuminating and utilizing the individual and communal ability of Black Americans to heal from and thrive in spite of anti-Black racism.

Registration is Free!

Registered attendees will receive a Zoom link 1 week and 1 day before this training event starts.
We are excited to start the new year with this training. The Alliance believes trauma-informed, anti-racist, and culturally responsive services are essential to helping children heal. We continue to offer virtually the highest quality training, with nationally renowned speakers.

Continuing Education Credits

Social Work credits will be available for all eligible participants providing services in Minnesota, US.

Contact Info

Please contact MaiXi Ye at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.