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  • NCJTC Prosecuting a Child Abuse Case: How to Work as an Effective MDT to Prepare Your Case for Trial

NCJTC Prosecuting a Child Abuse Case: How to Work as an Effective MDT to Prepare Your Case for Trial

Training Overview

Explore the MDT roles and responsibilities in the context of a child abuse case. Learn how to work through the case facts and the offender/victim dynamics to develop a case strategy that provides ample ammunition to the prosecutor in closing argument to gain offender accountability while reducing child victim trauma and enhancing victim safety. This training is suitable for law enforcement, law enforcement support, prosecutors, social workers, tribes/tribal partners, and victim service providers.

Learning Objectives

  • Assess the facts and dynamics of a child abuse case and identify the professional partnerships that will enhance victim credibility and safety
  • Generate a concept map that established the roles and responsibilities of the MDT members who will collaborate on a given child abuse case
  • Develop a case strategy using the prosecutor’s closing argument as the starting point for pinpointing corroboration to support offender accountability

About the Trainer

Miriam Falk – Wisconsin DOJ VAWA Resource Prosecutor & Law Enforcement Trainer for Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence

Assistant AG Miriam Falk, J.D. was an Asst. DA in Milwaukee County, WI from 1987-2014, in sensitive crimes for the last 23 of her 27 years there. Her first four years were with CHIPS and TPR cases. Ms. Falk has 30+ years of training experience in WI and nationally in sexual assault, domestic violence, trial advocacy and interviewing of adults and children. Her professional awards are: Wisconsin District Attorney’s Association Asst. DA of the Year, 2012; Wisconsin Law Journal’s Woman of the Year 2010; Milwaukee Commission on DV and Sexual Assault recognition, 2007; Honorable Mention, Wisconsin DA’s Association for nomination as Asst. DA of the Year 2007; June Dobbs Award from Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.

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April 17, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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National Criminal Justice Training Center Fox Valley Technical College
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